East Windsor MUA

Welcome To The East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority

For detailed instructions regarding water/sewer payments CLICK HERE.

A drop box is located to the left of the front door at 7 Wiltshire Drive for your convenience. This dropbox is used for general mail and water/sewer payments. East Windsor MUA also has online payment for water/sewer bills. The use of online services is strongly encouraged.

All non-essential meetings at this location have been postponed until further notice.

Documents and applications, including fees/payments and water/sewer payments, can also be mailed to the MUA at 7 Wiltshire Drive, East Windsor N.J. 08520. During normal business hours any emergencies, inspections, service application, and plan reviews contact the administrative office at (609) 443-6000 ext. 7603 for more information. Please practice social distancing and good health habits during this crisis. If you are ill, contact your primary care physician or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

We are in this together …. And we will all get through it together.


The source of drinking water for the East Windsor MUA is a huge underground water-bearing formation known as the Raritan-Magothy Aquifer. Eight wells in various locations throughout the township penetrate the aquifer at depths ranging from 250 feet to 560 feet below ground. Deep groundwater supplies provide the highest quality water because rain and surface waters are filtered by the earth as they replenish the aquifer.

Once water is pumped from the ground minimal treatment is required. Five water treatment plants filter iron and manganese, adjust the pH to a neutral state and then chlorinate the water to eliminate the chance of bacteria before it is distributed to our customers. Fluoride is added to promote the growth of strong, healthy teeth.



No emergencies reported at this moment.

If you would like to report an emergency please call (609) 448-5678

EWMUA Weather


© 2011 Polished theme by Paul Winslow