Approval Process

East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority | 7 Wiltshire Drive | East Windsor, NJ 08520 | Phone: (609) 443-6000

EWMUA Development Approval Process Overview

The following is a summary of the East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority’s Development Approval Process. More information can be obtained by contacting EWMUA and/or by e-mailing Richard Brand at

Applicants who use East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority as a water and wastewater resource partner will work with a designated project manager from the beginning through project completion. A brief summary of the process is described below.

Pre-application Phase

  • No formal action by EWMUA until the development project has received at least Preliminary Site Plan Approval from East Windsor Township (Planning or Zoning Board).  Informal inquiries are welcome prior to that time.
  • Confirm that your project will be served by East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority.
  • Obtain an Application for Service, Form WSA, and other customer resource information as needed.
  • Schedule a pre-application meeting.  Provide preliminary plans, water and wastewater service requirements and NJDEP application materials, if applicable.
  • Confirm available system capacities.
  • Confirm design requirements and responsibilities per EWMUA/NJDEP Rules and Regulations.  Purchase copy of EWMUA Rules and Regulations, if necessary.

Project Technical Review/ Administrative Approval Phase


  • Submit the application materials including, but not limited to:
    • EWMUA Form WSA
    • 3 sets of signed/sealed plans and profiles
    • NJDEP Application Forms (e.g. TWA)
    • Copy of signed EWT resolutions of approval (if available)
    • Escrow deposit and IRS form W-9 for professional review services.

Technical Review

  • EWMUA consulting engineer will review Applicant’s technical submittals to confirm compliance with EWMUA/NJDEP requirements for water and wastewater main extensions. The review will address compliance with design standards; adequate supply capacity; hydraulic capacity and constructability.


  • Easement documents including surveys, metes and bounds descriptions and draft deeds.
  • Design Engineer’s Cost estimates
  • Submit a Smart Growth certification, if required.

Capacity Allocation Agreement

  • A Capacity Allocation Agreement (contract) will be required between the EWMUA and Applicant.  A draft Agreement will be presented to the Applicant for review and approval or modifications, as needed.
  • The Agreement will address service requirements, municipal, County and State permitting requirements, EWMUA connection and off-tract improvement fees, performance guaranties, insurance requirements and other legal requirements.
  • Easement agreements will be finalized and executed.
  • EWMUA Board Approval by Resolution.  Upon satisfactory completion of technical reviews and administrative requirements, the Capacity allocation Agreement will be executed by the Applicant and presented to the EWMUA Board for review and approval.
  • The Applicant shall be responsible for transmitting approved documents to municipal, County and State agencies for their actions/approvals.

Project Construction and Certification Phase

  • Applicant will advise EWMUA when he is ready to proceed with the project and will schedule a preconstruction meeting in coordination with the East Windsor Township Engineer.  EWMUA, East Windsor Township, Mercer County and any other agencies having jurisdiction will be advised, as well as contractors, engineers representing the Applicant.
  • As soon as practical,  the Applicant shall forward to the EWMUA insurance documentation, inspection fees, 3 full sets of the signed plat for the project, a project schedule and applicable performance sureties for EWMUA review and approval prior to the start of construction activities.
  • During construction activities, EWMUA shall cause to be provided continuous inspection of below ground facilities (quality control) and testing of facilities (quality assurance).
  • The Applicant’s contractor shall address all construction related matters, including all quality control and assurance issues, and shall present a preliminary set of professionally drawn as-built plans to EWMUA for review, confirmation and approval.
  • As required, the Applicant shall obtain a certification from the EWMUA’s consulting engineer stating that the project has been built according to EWMUA/State approved plans and specifications.  The Applicant may not utilize the facilities until this certification has been issued by EWMUA’s consulting Engineer.
  • Applicant shall certify to EWMUA the exact final construction cost of all facilities to be owned, operated and maintained by EWMUA for fixed asset valuation purposes.

Operation and Maintenance Phase

  • Upon completion of all construction and certification issues, the Applicant may request a reduction/release of his project performance sureties.
  • A 2 year Maintenance Guarantee shall replace the Performance sureties at the time they are released by the EWMUA, which shall release the sureties by resolution.
  • Upon notice, the Applicant shall address maintenance related issues during the 2 year maintenance period.
  • Applicant shall request issuance of connection permits from EWMUA as needed.  The EWMUA will provide a Certificate of Occupancy document to the East Windsor Construction Code official signifying no objection to the issuance of municipal Certificates of Occupancy, subject to municipal regulations.
  • Upon completion of the 2 year maintenance period, EWMUA water and wastewater departments shall inspect all developer built facilities as necessary to confirm continued satisfactory operation and maintenance of the facilities.  Upon confirmation the EWMUA Board shall release the maintenance guarantee.
  • Any remaining cash escrow funds held by the EWMUA shall be released when the maintenance guarantee is released.
  • A survey of your Developer Services experience will be solicited.

Capital Improvement Refunds

  • In accordance with the Capacity Allocation Agreement, projects that are eligible for refunds will get refunds based upon customer revenues as provided.

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